Co-incidence, luck, chance — what’s really up with synchronicitease…


by Marcia Singer, MSW, CHt

Is everything always working out for us?

I was in a good mood. I’d just had a lovely, nature walkabout on a surprise sunny day, and my thoughts had turned to satisfying my tummy next. I’d drive up the road and buy some local, organic chicken for dinner. I envisioned a package of drumsticks as my best choice, but at the grocers, I didn’t see any. Had I walked by the display? I’d done that before. Or had the display area been relocated?

I stopped rolling the cart and stood still, remaining calm and collected, my good mood intact. I was still anticipating a tasty meal. Just as I had the thought that maybe they were out of stock, I heard a “plop” noise behind me nearby. Turning to identify the sound, I walked two or three paces back. A package of the exact brand of drumsticks I wanted had fallen from its place on the display, presenting itself handily to me. It was also the least expensive one. “Thank you!!” I called out to the Universe, smiling broadly.

Ok, call this a funny coincidence, a mini miracle: But to my mind, the chicken falling into my proverbial lap was evidence of my natural, highish vibrational state: trusting, focused, while expecting good things. I hadn’t sunk into disappointment, remaining open to having a great dinner one way or another. I had let go of my efforting, while staying receptive, open to fulfillment. Boom, plop. Chicken delivery.

There’s good quantum science and metaphysical theory too, about how we manifest what we call reality. My studies began in earnest with “Abraham,” 1985ish, who spoke of a ”law of attraction.” Many traditions over the decades have spoken about both a physical (material) and a non-physical (vibrational) realm we might learn to consciously inhabit, or straddle. Correspondingly, there is a visible/outer and invisible/inner “me” — an ‘inner being’ we’re often unaware of, yet curiously, an invisible thinking mind and perceiving self that we wholly identify with. These two aspects can be at odds with one another, misaligned. The spirit side loves without conditions and keeps the heart’s desires close –regardless of what our physical self is thinking or doing or feeling. To whatever degree these two aspects are in tandem (which you can tell by how you are feeling) –a force exists that ‘matches’ up, vibrationally, what you really want with what you believe you deserve or can otherwise have: it finds ‘cooperative components’ and puts them together, like a jigsaw puzzle. More or less, what you truly expect, on any number of topics, and to what degree you are lined up to receive and be happy –is what you get. And it’s no co-incidence, really. No accident.

I can’t provide a more nuanced explanation here, but I’ve concluded that the concept of “miracle” is misguided: all blessings, tiny or huge, are bestowed according to the same laws. Prayers are ‘answered’ on the invisible planes of the Heart, but revealed, earth side, in ways sometimes predictable, sometimes unfathomably. Nonetheless, life is like a movie unfolding moment by moment, with each moment being an opportunity to be awake and “allowing” your desires to be fulfilled. We can even develop skill in how fast the pace of our flow feels, whether we are generally feeling fit and fine, or specifically focusing on a particular goal –like my chicken.

Let me leave you with an invitation to join me (and many others) in noticing (even recording) the coincidences, serendipities, synchronicities and miracles you experience. Wallow in either gratitude/relief or appreciation/yay for each. Then, pay attention to how you were feeling at the time. And see if you can match up feelings, with dreams you had no resistance to realizing.

Now you’re cooking.



Marcia Singer, LoveArts Foundation
Marcia Singer, LoveArts Foundation

Written by Marcia Singer, LoveArts Foundation

Seven decades of exploring the Inner Life, writing down the bones. Careers: singer-entertainer, tantric-shamanic healing artist; mindfulness/shakti educator

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