BODY TALK: are you Listening? Are you “talk-sick?”
Is the body-mind connection working for you (radiant health) or against you (dis-ease, pain)?
I discovered decades ago that there is a match (not always clearly made in heaven) between what we think and feel, and what manifests in our bodies. Initially I referred to these coincidences or synchronicities as “body symbology.” That our bodily conditions (quantum science might say even at a cellular level) reflect what’s going on in our minds, our thoughts and ideations, and how we verbally express these. For instance, how a back ache — especially chronic — shows some symptoms of how “hold back” on ourselves. Or how giving a “cold shoulder” in anger, fear, hurt to somebody important to us, over time, becomes lodged as a frozen shoulder.
I’d like to share a list of some of a few specific thoughts, ideas and acts that will hold you back — literally — in hopes that becoming aware of this “talk-sick”self talk or that you might engage in conversations with others, will also make you more aware of how your body is feeling, and showing up and thereby empower you to consciously choose what you will manifest next .
Holding back on yourself , on honest, whole self expression
No leg to stand on
Uncertain standing (in your work, family, community, etc.)
Uneasy footing
Uncertain steps
Unstable ground
Lacking firm understanding (lack of under standing)
Unbalanced perspective
Can’t stand (this) any more
Bent out of shape
Braced for what’s next
Caught between a rock and a hard place
Pain the neck
Pain in the ass
Can’t support my self
Lacking intestinal fortitude
Sore afraid
Upstanding, upright citizen
Flexible position
Taking a clear, relaxed stance
Standing for wholeness
Courageous stance
Faith is my back-up
Loving community has my back
Life experience to fall back on, cushion me
Taking a turn for the better (best)
Seeing clearly
Being grounded
Feet on the ground