ADULT INDIGOS — a needed nomenclature for us invisible older crystal kids
I wrote a letter of thanks years ago, to the editor of an Orange County, CA New Thought publication for printing an article that bestowed a title to something I am, that had been invisible: an “adult indigo.” This naming gave recognition to those of us, particularly those on the side of elderhood, who have passed most of our lives invisible as the ‘indigo children’ we were, and the spiritual wisdom some of us have hard won. In the article was a description of “A.I.’s” that included data perhaps best understood in three different categories: highly sensitive nervous systems, psychic abilities often very developed, and a spiritual longing for the unconditioned Love of the soul plane, often experienced as a deep angst and pain without clear ‘reason.’
May I elaborate? First, being ‘sensitive’ or psychically sensitive does not make a person “spiritual’” in and of itself. One’s heart and mind must choose the path of Awakening to garner the latter, with diligence. Similarly, not all “high sensitives” are either developed psychically or spiritually. (Elaine Aron’s break-through book, The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You is a terrific asset for understanding the nervous system part of the challenge). And many adult indigos still are in the stage of suffering from being “too sensitive for their own good,” and having highly developed subtle sensory abilities that are turned back in on themselves as angst, due to unnamed or unresolved fears that their spiritual journeys have not transformed yet. Having spent much of my adult life straddling these three realms –high sensitivity, unusual psychic abilities, and a depth of longing for Love –driven by an unconscious memory of an ideal, Soul Plane kind of Love –I was one of those early indigos who approached the point of suicidal depressions several times along the Way.
I know for sure that these three indigo traits I am outlining serve both as cross to bear, and as tools of liberation of Love and spiritual mentorship. I know that the pain I endure — as I acquire contexts in which to hold and understand my ‘differentness’ –has motivated (driven) me to heal, and along with my native sensitivities and extra sensory gifts, compelled me to use those traits as a healer, artist and educator: first, perhaps to save my own soul, but to come to realize that we are all One, too. There for the sake of you go I.
We “indigos” must take care not to either be arrogant egoists (“I’m more special than you”!) or self-effacing victims (“I am a misfit.. a defective genius, born just to suffer….unknowable….”) With mindful awakening over time, we get off that shadowy, duality teeter totter, finding more conscious, kind, peace filled and joy-making choices. As we learn to embrace aging, too, we embrace the likelihood of become wise ones. We become spiritually more savvy, as well as able to ‘manage’ our tendencies towards overwhelm from too much subtle and physical stimulation. We find that we can direct our now-more-honed healing and instructive gifts towards a world sorely in need of them. All the while, finding ourselves better cared for in the mix.
Perhaps in this way, our destiny paths may be fulfilled, especially as our conscious numbers grow, and we help one another with fewer obstacles in our way –however, knowing the obstacles themselves are part of the holy alchemy of Love.
[Crystal Kids P.L.A.Y.Book has been updated, and is available for purchase.]